I am so excited to share with you the ways I've seen God at work! Women's Retreat Last month, I had the joy of leading worship with a friend at our church's women's retreat. It has been 17 years since the women's ministry went away for a weekend like this, and God did great things in our time of gathering together! --> Over 80 women attended and Intergenerational: ranging from teenagers to 70+ --> We got to meet with God as we worshiped, heard teaching, shared testimonies, had discussion, and spent time with friends both new and old. --> I was especially touched by the way the Holy Spirit filled our time of worship together as we sang our prayers and praises to Him. My heart was so full from getting to be a part of leading and serving in this way. Prison Fellowship Alumni Breakfast Last month's breakfast was a sweet time of testimony, prayer, and sharing updates with each other about what has been happening inside the Shakopee women's prison. We heard from the volunteers who have been going in to teach and spent time in prayer together for the women inside. Such a beautiful thing for the alumni at the breakfast (those who were also involved with Prison Fellowship when they were inside) to pray for their sisters who are now in the program and on the same journey that they once were. Shakopee Prison Letter Writing A high school friend of mine recently reached out to me to ask about opportunities for her church to be a part of prison ministry with Consumed Ministries. I told her about our need for more volunteers to write letters back and forth to the women inside and was able to get her connected to Gretchen and Jeannine, fellow Consumed staff, to talk more about that process. This friend rallied some other women from her church to join her and they are now a part of the letter writing team for those inside the Shakopee prison. I know this new group of volunteers would love your prayers as they make new connections and build relationships through their letter writing. It will be such a valuable opportunity to minister and encourage. Upcoming I've been invited to lead worship at MN Adult & Teen Challenge for an event there in May. Would love your prayers as I form the team to lead with and plan for our time there. Thank you for reading. I feel so blessed to do this work, having a team of people who support and pray for what God is doing through this ministry. Appreciate you! Jackie
Jake and I had an unexpected opportunity to go to Asbury University this past Saturday. Months ago, we booked a trip to Kentucky to celebrate our upcoming 10yr wedding anniversary. In the week leading up to this trip, I started hearing about an outpouring of God's love happening on this campus, some calling it revival. I started to see videos of what was happening there and hearing testimonies of the ways the Holy Spirit was moving. I knew we had to go. So Jake and I rearranged some of our plans and drove down from our hotel on Saturday. The President of Asbury University writes on the school's website about what has taken place: "On February 8, 2023, Asbury University’s regularly scheduled chapel service never ended. What we have experienced since that Wednesday morning has been a current of immeasurable goodness flooding our community and quickly moving into other regions of the world. Words fail any effort to communicate the abundance of experiences and stories that will leave us forever changed." Words really can't describe all that was taking place there, but some that come to mind are Spirit-filled, spoken word of Scripture, STUDENT-LED, humility from the staff and student leaders, simple, not flashy, confession, worship, repentance, healing, not chaotic, testimonies, prayer, and a sending out. I was so encouraged by the overwhelming presence of high school and college age students drawing near to God! So many of them, that they filled most of Hughes Auditorium by themselves (seating capacity of 1,500)! I was thankful that the university was prioritizing this age group to be inside worshipping by having them go in first. So the 25+ crowd like myself worshipped with them from the outside in the courtyard. A Psalm that was shared at the beginning of one of these worship times from this past week--I think this captures the heart of what we've seen taking place: Psalm 63: 1-5 You, God, are my God, earnestly I seek you; I thirst for you, my whole being longs for you, in a dry and parched land where there is no water. I have seen you in the sanctuary and beheld your power and your glory. Because your love is better than life, my lips will glorify you. I will praise you as long as I live, and in your name I will lift up my hands. I will be fully satisfied as with the richest of foods; with singing lips my mouth will praise you. The gatherings in the Chapel are now closed to the general public, but you can view a livestream here: www.asbury.edu/outpouring An extra special personal blessing was that while we were worshipping out in the courtyard, a group of men came to stand in front of us from Adult & Teen Challenge in Missouri. Many of you know of my love for getting to partner with this ministry here in MN. It was a sweet moment for my soul to worship alongside each other. This is a picture of them praying together. God is stirring in this younger generation. Let's keep praying that this would go forth from Asbury and out into the world! INTRODUCING AMBER & THE BLACK BUTTERFLY HOUSE I met Amber a couple years ago. Amber was incarcerated as a teenager and when she was released, she lived in transitional housing. With the support she received in this home, she made significant life changes. She is now the executive assistant of a Vice President at a Fortune 500 company. In addition, she started a non-profit called the Black Butterfly House, which is a transitional home giving women the same opportunity that was provided to her. This month, Amber welcomed her baby girl into this world. It was an honor to celebrate with her at her shower and pray for the new journey ahead of her as a mother. MN ADULT & TEEN CHALLENGE: Also this month, I received an invite to lead worship for a Fall kick off night at MN Adult & Teen Challenge. It was an event for alumni who have graduated their long and short-term programs, current clients in their Leadership Institute, and current clients who are in their Restoration program to recover from relapsing. A highlight of the evening was one of our worship team members sharing her faith story with those who attended. Her story resonated with the experiences of many of those in the room and they gave her a standing ovation when she finished. Thank you for your support and investment in this ministry to see lives changed and transformed through the full and abundant life Jesus offers (John 10:10). Much love to you all! Jackie I want to start by saying THANK YOU to you all for your continued support and investment into God's kingdom through my ministry work with Consumed.
This month has been 10 years since I joined the Consumed Ministries staff team. I've been spending some time reflecting on all the opportunities God has opened doors to these last 10 years and the work He has done. It has included being a part of the Urbana worship team, helping the Celebrate Recovery ministry to grow inside the Waseca Federal Women's Prison, gathering to worship and share the love of Jesus inside an eclectic coffee shop where many New Agers would meet, teaching Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace class out of our home with Jake, leading worship at retreats and conferences for college students, coming alongside families to lead them in prayer and singing worship songs as they've grieved an unexpected loss of a family member, leading worship at various churches, bringing groups with me into the Women's Shakopee Prison to worship with the women inside and pray for them, worshiping together via Zoom during the heart of the pandemic, mentoring young worship leaders, leading worship for MN Adult & Teen Challenge, and most recently getting to connect with women who were formerly incarcerated inside the Women's Shakopee Prison on both a weekly basis (our weekly check-in support group) and monthly (Prison Fellowship alumni breakfasts). It is truly humbling to remember all the ways that God has moved and has touched my heart and others' through these experiences in the last 10 years. I'm just so grateful. Thank you dear family and friends for your continued love, support, and investment into God's kingdom. Your prayers, giving, and support are intertwined in these experiences and stories shared. Much love, Jackie Last week, I had the joy of returning to MN Adult & Teen Challenge to lead worship for an event. It was my first time back in over a year and half since things shut down with Covid. Such a joy! I put together a team of musicians and wanted to share what one of our team members wrote about from his experience there: "I have a confession. I am a self-centered worshiper. I love worship music. I love playing on worship teams. There is nothing better than sharing that experience with a team of musicians that exude joy and praise with their whole being. But, I am self-centered. Now, I don't mean that in an idolatrous way. My focus and joy in worship is singing truth and honoring God. It's just when I sing these songs I am always seeing it from my own personal perspective and my own lived experience. That's unavoidable I suppose as many of these church songs are intended to be self-reflective and applicable to all the saints. But, sometimes change in perspective is required to see a full picture. Tonight I had the awesome opportunity to lead worship with a team for MN Adult & Teen Challenge in Minneapolis. It has been years since I played with a team in a parachurch ministry, and forgot how rewarding it is. Pouring over the lyrics this week from a perspective that was not my own seemed to just open these songs up. Songs I've played dozens of times and heard hundreds of times, heard now in a completely new light. Sharing the room with all those those voices rejoicing in that freedom from such an honest place. It's hard not to be jealous of that pure redemptive experience. But then, I remember that while perspectives and lived experiences may differ, we share the same gospel and the same freedom from the bondage of this world and the darkness within. Prodigals come home The helpless find hope Prison doors fling wide The dead come to life Miracles take place The cynical find faith The Jericho walls are quaking Strongholds now are shaking Love is breaking through When the Father's in the room." These lyrics are from one of the songs we sang at the event, called "The Father's House". You can listen to it below. Also, if you wanted to tune in to the Gala but missed it, here is a link you can watch it from: MN Adult & Teen Challenge Gala. You will be blessed by getting to listen to their choir and hear inspiring testimonies! Thank you for your support and helping to make this kind of ministry possible! Jackie Hello family and friends! I am writing to share an update about some exciting new opportunities for ministry that God has been providing.
PRISON FELLOWSHIP The Shakopee women's prison has not yet opened up for volunteers to come in to teach classes, be involved in ministry programs, etc. But in this, God has opened some new doors for ways to continue to be involved with Prison Fellowship and is redirecting my focus in prison ministry to re-entry: 1. Late last year, a monthly breakfast gathering began for women who were a part Prison Fellowship as inmates inside the Shakopee prison and have since been released, as well as mentors and staff. At the breakfasts, we fellowship together, listen to a message, share testimonies, and I've had the joy of getting to lead worship as part of these. We just met for our May breakfast this past Saturday and I was so encouraged by what God is doing among these women! 2. Another opportunity that has just begun is a weekly discipleship group for women who have come out of the Shakopee prison. Many of the women who attend the breakfasts are also a part of this, but because this group is meeting weekly, we are able to get to know each other better. To build trust. To be honest and vulnerable in our struggles. To learn from Scripture together each week. I really count it a privilege to be a part of this group--Thursday nights have become a real highlight in my week! MN ADULT & TEEN CHALLENGE 1. Very excited to share that the doors are open here again for volunteers to be a part of this ministry! I've just been invited back to MN Adult & Teen Challenge to lead worship for one of their large group gatherings on May 20. This event will be for clients who have graduated from the program. Love that this opportunity is open again! 2. Also, MN Adult & Teen Challenge is hosting a virtual Gala, that everyone is invited to (it is free to register and attend). There is also an online auction they are sponsoring as a fundraiser for their ministry. It is on May 21 from 7-7:45pm. You can register at this link and view the online auction items HERE. Thank you for reading. Your prayers, support, and encouragements are such a blessing to me! I've been hearing from so many friends of mine about how much they miss getting to join others in singing praise and worship songs at their churches. And I include myself in those feelings as well. We are so looking forward to being able to go on a regular basis again. Being in some of these conversations prompted me to share something I've been working on for MN Adult & Teen Challenge. I recorded a 3-song worship set for this ministry to use, since they are not meeting for their daily chapel meetings in large groups right now. So my greeting at the beginning of the video is to the Teen Challenge clients, but if you'd like to worship and sing along with the songs that follow, I've shared the link to it below. There are lyrics within the video to make it easy to sing along to. "Great is His faithfulness; His mercies begin afresh each morning." -Lamentations 3:23. I love this verse and it is the one I woke up reciting to myself as I woke up this morning. Wanted to share, as I think it is a great reminder for us all that God's mercies are new for us each morning. As I type this, I am praying you will be encouraged today in a special way by our great and powerful God. Here is a quick update that also includes an invitation to a virtual event this Friday night. MN Adult & Teen Challenge: I was thankfully able to be a part of leading worship for two events here right before social distancing went in place as part of Covid-19. One event was for a monthly gathering consisting of the program's alumni and the other was for a family worship ministry night for all current clients in the program. I always leave so encouraged by seeing the ways that God is at work among these men and women who are recovering from their addictions and desiring to live in the abundant life Jesus offers them! I would like to inform and invite you to be a part of the Gala that MN Adult & Teen Challenge hosts every year. It will be online this year and is FREE to anyone who registers. It will be this Friday, May 1 from 7-7:30pm. You can register and also browse through the silent auction items at this link: www.mntc.org/gala Singing Hope: I also wanted to share a recording I did with a friend of mine, David Vicchiollo, called "Eye of the Storm". We recorded this a few years ago, but I thought it was fitting to share again. I hope it can bring you some encouragement for today. Hebrews 6:19- Jesus is the anchor of our souls. Hello family and friends!
Thank you to all who have asked about and were praying for our night leading worship for the women's conference at MN Adult & Teen Challenge. This ministry and conference was for women who are recovering from drug and alcohol addictions. The theme of the conference was about having hope in the midst of struggle and hope for the future, and that hope being Jesus. This has always been one of my favorite places to lead worship at, because everyone there is so eager to come before God and experience His presence. I wanted to share with you what two of our volunteers wrote about their experience from our time there. They were musicians on our worship team and for both of them, it was their first time coming. Thank you for sharing in this joy with me of getting to go to these places to share of this hope we have in Jesus! "I arrived at MN Adult & Teen Challenge excited to see what God was going to do, but no matter how much expectancy I come with, He always goes above and beyond. Halfway through the very first song I could just feel the overwhelming presence and power of God! I’ve been on a lot of mission trips and been in church all my life, but I have to say worshiping with Teen Challenge was one of the most powerful nights I have ever experienced!" -Mia Savage, MN "The women's voices were the most beautiful instruments in the room-- they sang with emotion and passion (and very loudly!). They were there with tears in their eyes, hands raised up, and worshiping the Lord who saved them. Wonderful experience of God's absolute goodness, mercy, and grace. I hope I get to do it again!" -Donna Bloomington, MN Last week, a group of three of us had the opportunity to lead worship at MN Adult & Teen Challenge in Minneapolis. This was a gathering of about 300 clients in their program, for both men and women. A highlight for me was the row of men in the front row who nearly outsang us on the microphones, singing their hearts out praising Jesus!
Thank you for your partnership in making it possible to share the Gospel through music in places like these! Your support is making a difference and is a part of God's work in changing lives! Here is what the two other volunteers in our group wrote about their experience there: "There is something about being in a room with people who are singing to the Father with everything they have- because they know the power of his saving grace and they know they are desperate for him-it gives us a beautiful glimpse into God’s kingdom, of the power of community and of His work in the world. I left feeling encouraged and more full than when I arrived that night. I’m sure I received more than I gave! I was blessed." Aimee Maplewood, MN "I always enjoy going to MN Adult & Teen Challenge. I am consistently struck by the absolute engagement and surrender to the Father. It would seem that everyone is ALL IN. You just don't get that level of authenticity even at church on Sunday mornings. From the very first words sung that night, hands were raised and people were singing out at the top of their lungs. There was a moment when it was hard to hear myself singing/playing through the monitors, that is a sweet moment. It didn't matter how we sounded because no one was there for us. They were all there to humbly come before the Father to connect with Him in an intimate and personal way. You know, I walked in to that night overwhelmed, stressed out and in a little bit of a bad mood. As soon as we all started singing, God took over. It seems to be that way every time I have the opportunity to sing with those brothers and sisters. God is glorified. I can't wait to go back!" Bryan Savage, MN |
Jackie Dixon
I love Jesus. I love my husband & family. I like dark chocolate. And hats. Traveling. Slippers. Hand written notes. And thrifting. These are a few of my favorite things! Categories
April 2023