Our Vision:
In John 10:10 Jesus tells us that He came not to just give life, but to give it more abundantly – a.k.a. to the full! Later, in John 17, Jesus tells us that ‘life’ is found only in knowing God and Himself. And now we want to share with the world this message that there is an abundant, overflowing, more than you can begin to imagine life found only in knowing God in a deep and relational way. We value relationships because it is through relationships that God provides opportunities for Consumed to share the message of life.
Consumed Ministries homepage: www.consumedministries.com
In John 10:10 Jesus tells us that He came not to just give life, but to give it more abundantly – a.k.a. to the full! Later, in John 17, Jesus tells us that ‘life’ is found only in knowing God and Himself. And now we want to share with the world this message that there is an abundant, overflowing, more than you can begin to imagine life found only in knowing God in a deep and relational way. We value relationships because it is through relationships that God provides opportunities for Consumed to share the message of life.
Consumed Ministries homepage: www.consumedministries.com
Places of Ministry
My focus with Consumed is to share the Gospel through music and through building relationships. I am grateful for the opportunities I've had to share the love of Jesus through prison ministry, and at MN Adult & Teen Challenge, Celebrate Recovery, churches, coffee shops, and outreach events. I have met some incredible people through these opportunities and I am thankful for generous partners like you who have come alongside to support me in this. Thank you!
Why Music?
One day during our son's nap time I heard him start to talk in a preaching voice-- "Some of you don't know about God. So let's SING about God!...So just remember God. And if you forget, a grown-up can tell you."
It touched my heart as his mom and I of course got a chuckle out of it, but I was also struck by his understanding that if you don't know about God, you can sing to learn about Him in a song. A song can remind us of a Truth that we may need to be reminded of or that we may need to learn for the first time. And music can serve as a great way to help us remember these Truths. This is why I do what I do--to share the Good News of Jesus through music to reach a place in people's hearts that words alone may not be able to.
Staff Team
My focus with Consumed is to share the Gospel through music and through building relationships. I am grateful for the opportunities I've had to share the love of Jesus through prison ministry, and at MN Adult & Teen Challenge, Celebrate Recovery, churches, coffee shops, and outreach events. I have met some incredible people through these opportunities and I am thankful for generous partners like you who have come alongside to support me in this. Thank you!
Why Music?
One day during our son's nap time I heard him start to talk in a preaching voice-- "Some of you don't know about God. So let's SING about God!...So just remember God. And if you forget, a grown-up can tell you."
It touched my heart as his mom and I of course got a chuckle out of it, but I was also struck by his understanding that if you don't know about God, you can sing to learn about Him in a song. A song can remind us of a Truth that we may need to be reminded of or that we may need to learn for the first time. And music can serve as a great way to help us remember these Truths. This is why I do what I do--to share the Good News of Jesus through music to reach a place in people's hearts that words alone may not be able to.
Staff Team
"I have come that they may have life and have it to the full." -Jesus