Jake and I had the opportunity yesterday to visit the George Floyd memorial site in Minneapolis. It was a warmer part of the day and there wasn’t anyone near us, so at one point I said to Jake, “Maybe let down your mask and let yourself breathe a little”. And I immediately felt jarred and felt the weight of what I had just said. George Floyd didn’t have the option or choice to “breathe a little”. His breath was taken from him. It was sobering to listen to the voices through the signs and artwork and the people that were speaking. We have come a long way as a nation but we still have so far to go. Jake and I are thinking and praying on these verses as we continue to ask what we can do. To listen. To lament. To act. To love. “And what does the Lord require of you? To ACT justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God.” -Micah 6:8 “Dear children, let’s not merely say that we love each other; let us show the truth by our actions.” -1 John 3:18 These are some pictures from our time at the memorial site. May they continue to move us to listen, pray, lament, act, love, and serve. We also drove through one of the areas where there were riots. We saw this man painting over vulgar graffiti and it struck me. This man was doing what he could. Just a can of paint and a brush. A simple act and not looking for any recognition.
I have something exciting to share with you that I've been working on! This is in response to the special video update from my last post. If you didn't get a chance to watch it, I shared how because it will still be awhile before I can return to my normal places of doing large group ministry (Shakopee women's prison, MN Adult & Teen Challenge, etc), I am feeling God lead me to a new thing in this season-- and that is recording times of worship. My purpose in doing this is to connect with and worship God and to invite others to worship with me from my little corner in our basement:) I hope these songs can be an encouragement to you..
The first song I've recorded is "Spirit Pour Out". I discovered this song when it was led at our church and thought it was very relevant for this time we're in, in light of recent happenings in Minneapolis. This song is a prayer for our nation- for healing, for justice, and for God's kingdom to come. Here are the lyrics: SPIRIT POUR OUT Spirit pour out and flood this city Heaven come down and shake the walls Fill us Lord the world is waiting Father let Your kingdom come Come restore generations of desolation Bind up the poor and broken heart Plant and sow, till and grow what time has ravaged Break down the walls of race and war Spirit pour out and flood this city Heaven come down and shake the walls Fill us Lord the world is waiting Father let Your kingdom come God we seek peace and welfare for our city Prosper redeem her as Your own That all would see Your glory here in greater measure Through us Your church, Your kingdom come Spirit pour out and flood this city Heaven come down and shake the walls Fill us Lord the world is waiting Father let Your kingdom come You are the God who builds You are the One who saves You are the God who prospers Evil has no claim You are the God who builds You are the One who saves You are the God who prospers Fervently we pray Spirit pour out and flood this city Heaven come down and shake the walls Fill us Lord the world is waiting Father let Your kingdom come Hello friends!
I have a special update to share with you this month via a video recording we did as a Consumed Ministries staff team. In it, I will share about a new direction I feel God leading me into within my role of music ministry with Consumed. Thank you for your partnership! Here is the link to the video update: http://consumedministries.com/podcasts/2020/consumedprayer.mp4 |
Jackie Dixon
I love Jesus. I love my husband & family. I like dark chocolate. And hats. Traveling. Slippers. Hand written notes. And thrifting. These are a few of my favorite things! Categories
April 2023