Hello! I am excited to be writing now officially as Mrs. Jackie Dixon! I love saying that! Jake and I have been married now for nearly a month and are loving our time together as husband and wife. Thank you for your prayers, encouragement, and support to us! Waseca Women's Prison Two days after returning from our honeymoon, Jake and I got to return to the Waseca Women's Prison. I hadn't been there since October and this was Jake's first time coming to meet the girls, so you can imagine our excitement!! Highlights included teaching the girls a new Spanish worship song, listening to an inmate share her testimony while her small group stood behind her on stage because she was so nervous- so cool to watch!, and celebrating at a graduation ceremony with 30+ inmates who have worked hard to complete the 12-step, Christ-centered recovery program to overcome their hurts, habits, and hangups. A picture of me leading worship for the girls at Waseca one of the times we were there. Jake described our time there in this way: "A couple things stood out to me going there. One, you could sense the love in that room for Jesus Christ as it was so obvious that these girls were passionate for the Lord. Secondly, it was very humbling for to me to see the joy in that room for who our Lord is and what He has done for us. These girls do not have the same physical freedom we have every day of our lives, but the same God that is with us, is with them and that overrules any bars or walls." Thank you all for being such a blessing! The things God is allowing me to do through this ministry would not be possible without your prayers and support!
Jackie Dixon
I love Jesus. I love my husband & family. I like dark chocolate. And hats. Traveling. Slippers. Hand written notes. And thrifting. These are a few of my favorite things! Categories
April 2023