Last week, a group of three of us had the opportunity to lead worship at MN Adult & Teen Challenge in Minneapolis. This was a gathering of about 300 clients in their program, for both men and women. A highlight for me was the row of men in the front row who nearly outsang us on the microphones, singing their hearts out praising Jesus!
Thank you for your partnership in making it possible to share the Gospel through music in places like these! Your support is making a difference and is a part of God's work in changing lives! Here is what the two other volunteers in our group wrote about their experience there: "There is something about being in a room with people who are singing to the Father with everything they have- because they know the power of his saving grace and they know they are desperate for him-it gives us a beautiful glimpse into God’s kingdom, of the power of community and of His work in the world. I left feeling encouraged and more full than when I arrived that night. I’m sure I received more than I gave! I was blessed." Aimee Maplewood, MN "I always enjoy going to MN Adult & Teen Challenge. I am consistently struck by the absolute engagement and surrender to the Father. It would seem that everyone is ALL IN. You just don't get that level of authenticity even at church on Sunday mornings. From the very first words sung that night, hands were raised and people were singing out at the top of their lungs. There was a moment when it was hard to hear myself singing/playing through the monitors, that is a sweet moment. It didn't matter how we sounded because no one was there for us. They were all there to humbly come before the Father to connect with Him in an intimate and personal way. You know, I walked in to that night overwhelmed, stressed out and in a little bit of a bad mood. As soon as we all started singing, God took over. It seems to be that way every time I have the opportunity to sing with those brothers and sisters. God is glorified. I can't wait to go back!" Bryan Savage, MN
Jackie Dixon
I love Jesus. I love my husband & family. I like dark chocolate. And hats. Traveling. Slippers. Hand written notes. And thrifting. These are a few of my favorite things! Categories
April 2023