So excited to share about what God has been doing these last few months! Thank you for helping to make this all possible through your prayers, encouragement, and generous giving. Your partnership in my ministry role with Consumed Ministries is truly a blessing to me! Here are a few snapshots of what I've been up to. Living Waters Cafe' Despite the Biblical name, this cafe is actually a New Age type place where all kind of spiritual practices are performed. A variety of groups meet here like meditative groups, exploring past lives, and even wizardry. Every person who attends these groups is searching for a power greater than themselves, but have not yet put their faith in the one true God, Jesus Christ. This is where Jane comes in. I met Jane (a Christian woman), who began to develop a friendship with the owner of this cafe, and this summer the owner said to her, "Ya know, we have almost every religion represented here except Christianity. Would you like to host a weekly gathering that's Christian based?" And God opened the door :) I, along with some friends, got the opportunity to lead another prayer/worship night here on one of their Monday night Christian gatherings and whew! is God moving in that place!! Can you imagine the sound of praises being lifted up to our Almighty God and shining Christ's light into a place that is spiritually dark?! It was glorious!! In Luke 5:31 Jesus says, "It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick". I think this is exactly the kind of place Jesus would be! Jane said this is the best turnout they've ever had! One woman who is not a Christian came for the first time the week before. She has some very broken situations going on in her life right now, but came back all on her own to this worship night. Praise God!! She stuck around until the very end, mingling and chatting with us until they closed up shop and also got a chance to talk with Lisa Barry (radio host with KTIS Christian radio) who was there. God's name was proclaimed and lifted high that night! What an awesome opportunity to proclaim God's HOPE, LOVE, and TRUTH in a place that is spiritually dark and with people who are actively searching for Truth. Waseca Prison The girls inside this prison have become like sisters to me! I look forward to every time I get to visit. I was able to visit again last month and learned that 8 women committed to start following Jesus in the Spanish chapel service the day before! It was such an amazing privilege to worship with these women who had just put their faith in Christ! InterVarsity Cross Training Conference 800+ InterVarsity students gathered for this InterVarsity Conference from all over the state of Wisconsin. I had so much fun getting to lead worship in the main sessions, especially getting to lead songs in different languages that spoke to the hearts of the Spanish and Mandarin speaking International students who were there. What an awesome sound to lead worship for this many students in the same room, singing praises to God! Check out this video clip to see what I mean! Many students made decisions to follow Christ for the first time and many more made commitments to be intentional on their campuses about sharing their faith with their friends and classmates. This conference was also special to Jake and I, as it was the first time we had the opportunity to serve and minister to students together. Ask him about his experiences in getting to pray with students!
Jackie Dixon
I love Jesus. I love my husband & family. I like dark chocolate. And hats. Traveling. Slippers. Hand written notes. And thrifting. These are a few of my favorite things! Categories
April 2023