I am so excited to share with you the ways I've seen God at work! Women's Retreat Last month, I had the joy of leading worship with a friend at our church's women's retreat. It has been 17 years since the women's ministry went away for a weekend like this, and God did great things in our time of gathering together! --> Over 80 women attended and Intergenerational: ranging from teenagers to 70+ --> We got to meet with God as we worshiped, heard teaching, shared testimonies, had discussion, and spent time with friends both new and old. --> I was especially touched by the way the Holy Spirit filled our time of worship together as we sang our prayers and praises to Him. My heart was so full from getting to be a part of leading and serving in this way. Prison Fellowship Alumni Breakfast Last month's breakfast was a sweet time of testimony, prayer, and sharing updates with each other about what has been happening inside the Shakopee women's prison. We heard from the volunteers who have been going in to teach and spent time in prayer together for the women inside. Such a beautiful thing for the alumni at the breakfast (those who were also involved with Prison Fellowship when they were inside) to pray for their sisters who are now in the program and on the same journey that they once were. Shakopee Prison Letter Writing A high school friend of mine recently reached out to me to ask about opportunities for her church to be a part of prison ministry with Consumed Ministries. I told her about our need for more volunteers to write letters back and forth to the women inside and was able to get her connected to Gretchen and Jeannine, fellow Consumed staff, to talk more about that process. This friend rallied some other women from her church to join her and they are now a part of the letter writing team for those inside the Shakopee prison. I know this new group of volunteers would love your prayers as they make new connections and build relationships through their letter writing. It will be such a valuable opportunity to minister and encourage. Upcoming I've been invited to lead worship at MN Adult & Teen Challenge for an event there in May. Would love your prayers as I form the team to lead with and plan for our time there. Thank you for reading. I feel so blessed to do this work, having a team of people who support and pray for what God is doing through this ministry. Appreciate you! Jackie
I want to start by saying THANK YOU to you all for your continued support and investment into God's kingdom through my ministry work with Consumed.
This month has been 10 years since I joined the Consumed Ministries staff team. I've been spending some time reflecting on all the opportunities God has opened doors to these last 10 years and the work He has done. It has included being a part of the Urbana worship team, helping the Celebrate Recovery ministry to grow inside the Waseca Federal Women's Prison, gathering to worship and share the love of Jesus inside an eclectic coffee shop where many New Agers would meet, teaching Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace class out of our home with Jake, leading worship at retreats and conferences for college students, coming alongside families to lead them in prayer and singing worship songs as they've grieved an unexpected loss of a family member, leading worship at various churches, bringing groups with me into the Women's Shakopee Prison to worship with the women inside and pray for them, worshiping together via Zoom during the heart of the pandemic, mentoring young worship leaders, leading worship for MN Adult & Teen Challenge, and most recently getting to connect with women who were formerly incarcerated inside the Women's Shakopee Prison on both a weekly basis (our weekly check-in support group) and monthly (Prison Fellowship alumni breakfasts). It is truly humbling to remember all the ways that God has moved and has touched my heart and others' through these experiences in the last 10 years. I'm just so grateful. Thank you dear family and friends for your continued love, support, and investment into God's kingdom. Your prayers, giving, and support are intertwined in these experiences and stories shared. Much love, Jackie I recently recorded a video update with one of my ministry partners, Sammy Gondola from Pleasant Valley Church. In it, I share about "why music?", how I got involved with Consumed Ministries, my personal faith journey, the first time I led worship in a prison, and reminisce about times in Winona. It is about 13 mins. long. We will be hosting our monthly Prison Fellowship Alumni breakfast this coming Saturday, April 9. I always look forward to these breakfasts and having the opportunity to gather together. A friend of mine, Legend Rutledge, will be joining me again to help lead worship for it. Lastly, I wanted to share a special encouragement from our weekly group that meets with Prison Fellowship alumni on Thursday nights. I wasn't able to attend this particular week- This is from something that one of our other staff who was leading that night, Gretchen Miller, wrote: "Last night on our Thursday check-in one of the women shared a beautiful word of challenge and encouragement with us. She was talking about the difference between staying sober and living in recovery. She said for her staying sober was like white-knuckling it, trying to not partake of a substance. It was based on fear of returning to what once was. But, in contrast for her, living in recovery was choosing each day to look forward and make choices to receive the life of fullness and freedom right in front of her. I asked her if I could use this precious wisdom I believe was poured into her by the Holy Spirit." A pic with a few of the gals in our group from when we met last month. I continue to be encouraged by these women and their wisdom, and count it a joy to be in each other's lives.
Thank you for your partnership! Hello family and friends! I am writing to share an update about some exciting new opportunities for ministry that God has been providing.
PRISON FELLOWSHIP The Shakopee women's prison has not yet opened up for volunteers to come in to teach classes, be involved in ministry programs, etc. But in this, God has opened some new doors for ways to continue to be involved with Prison Fellowship and is redirecting my focus in prison ministry to re-entry: 1. Late last year, a monthly breakfast gathering began for women who were a part Prison Fellowship as inmates inside the Shakopee prison and have since been released, as well as mentors and staff. At the breakfasts, we fellowship together, listen to a message, share testimonies, and I've had the joy of getting to lead worship as part of these. We just met for our May breakfast this past Saturday and I was so encouraged by what God is doing among these women! 2. Another opportunity that has just begun is a weekly discipleship group for women who have come out of the Shakopee prison. Many of the women who attend the breakfasts are also a part of this, but because this group is meeting weekly, we are able to get to know each other better. To build trust. To be honest and vulnerable in our struggles. To learn from Scripture together each week. I really count it a privilege to be a part of this group--Thursday nights have become a real highlight in my week! MN ADULT & TEEN CHALLENGE 1. Very excited to share that the doors are open here again for volunteers to be a part of this ministry! I've just been invited back to MN Adult & Teen Challenge to lead worship for one of their large group gatherings on May 20. This event will be for clients who have graduated from the program. Love that this opportunity is open again! 2. Also, MN Adult & Teen Challenge is hosting a virtual Gala, that everyone is invited to (it is free to register and attend). There is also an online auction they are sponsoring as a fundraiser for their ministry. It is on May 21 from 7-7:45pm. You can register at this link and view the online auction items HERE. Thank you for reading. Your prayers, support, and encouragements are such a blessing to me! I was honored to be a part of a Prison Fellowship Zoom call this weekend. On the call were women who were a part of this ministry as inmates inside the Shakopee prison and have since been released, as well as mentors and staff. We worshiped to this song together as we remembered that no matter what is happening around us or trials that come, we can say "It is well with my soul" because Jesus is our hope and peace. One day during our son's nap time I heard him start to talk in a preaching voice-- “Some of you don’t know about God. So let’s SING about God! …So just remember God. And if you forget, a grown-up can tell you.” It touched my heart as his mom and I of course got a chuckle out of it, but I was also struck by his understanding that if you don’t know about God, you can sing to learn about Him in a song. A song can remind us of a Truth that we may need to be reminded of or that we may need to learn for the first time. And music can serve as a great way to help us remember these truths. This is why I do what I do—to share the Good News of Jesus through music to reach a place in people’s hearts that words alone may not be able to. This picture above is at a monthly breakfast that I got to lead worship at (before it switched to going virtual) for women who have graduated from Prison Fellowship inside the Shakopee womens prison and have now been released. I had the opportunity to chat and reconnect with two women who I met from past times of leading worship inside the prison. It was such a blessing to hear how God has been working in their lives since they’ve been released and seeing them hold strong to their faith! I left so encouraged and inspired!
Year-End Giving: Although 2020 was a difficult year for many financially, our wonderful partners continued to give toward Consumed’s Kingdom work. We believe your investment is noticed by God. Thank you! I would be grateful if you would consider giving a gift (or extra gift) to support my work with Consumed Ministries. All donations are tax-deductible. For online giving, you can donate through this link and select "Music Ministry- Jackie Dixon" as the designated fund: www.consumedministries.com/giving Grateful for my friends and family and the new challenges AND blessings we've experienced in 2020. Merry Christmas to you all! Jackie Hello friends and family! It's been awhile since I've sent out an update of what's been happening within Consumed Ministries. There's been a lot happening these past months, but I just wanted to send a few highlights below and share with you what others have experienced in these places of ministry that I've gotten to be involved in. Thank you for your encouragements, prayers, and financial support that are making ministry possible. Your partnership makes a difference!
MN Adult & Teen Challenge I had the opportunity to lead worship with a friend of mine for the women in this program who are recovering from drug and alcohol addictions. God was doing awesome things among the women during our time there. Here is what the director sent me the next day: "I so appreciate your ministry last night. In thinking about it, I believe that one of the reasons that the atmosphere was so ripe for them to receive was how you proclaimed the Lordship of JESUS! Your evangelistic worship aligned the hearts and the Spirit in the room!!! Thanks so much!" -Linda, Director of Women's Ministry Prison Fellowship Graduation I had the honor of being invited to attend a graduation ceremony for four women who completed a one-year program through the ministry of Prison Fellowship inside the Shakopee Prison. This is the same ministry we partner with when I go in to lead worship. My friend Katie, who came with me to this ceremony, wrote about her experience while we were there. I continue to be in awe of how God is at work among these women every time I get to go and am thankful for Katie's faithfulness in prayer for this young woman. "This story started almost 6 months ago. I was at the prison for a worship night with Consumed Ministries. I sang some harmonies, but I also talked some about my dad’s suicide, shame, and hopelessness. Afterwards, a very young woman came up to me during prayer time with tears streaming down her face. She was brand new there. She told me why she was in there, how long she would be there, how much shame she was carrying, that she knew she wanted to give up or have something different for her life...and all I could do was pray for her and weep with her. You can’t even touch these women, which is really difficult (even for a non-hugger). There is literally nothing to do except ask God to help. When I left that night, I couldn’t get her face out of my mind. God would remind me of her almost every day. And I’d pray every day—specifically that she would know her worth, forgive herself, and lean on Jesus. A few months ago, I went back. I searched for her, hoping she had kept coming to the Prison Fellowship program after that first night. I was SO relieved to see her in the service. She was smiling and chatting with her friends, I didn’t connect with her because there’s no way she remembered me. But I told the program leader afterwards how God was keeping this gal relentlessly on my heart, and she said “I’m going to let her know.” But today! At a special graduation. This gal walked in the room and sat in the front row...she was receiving a certificate for completing a large portion of the program. This is HUGE, brave, committed work. (Only 1/5 of the inmates that started this class saw it through to the end-it’s a strenuous program.) The best part? As we were shaking their hands at the end, she whispered in my ear “Thanks for the prayers.” She remembered ME! So God. He gave me an opportunity to share my hard story so that she would feel that she could open up and share her hard story. He probably would’ve done the work in her heart anyway. But He let me get wrapped into her story through prayer. He didn’t need me to see her get her certificate. But He let me. He weaves and weaves threads of lives together. I know we won’t see the completed tapestry till the end, but I got to see a portion of it today, and I’m just so thankful." Shakopee Prison Whenever I bring a group into the Shakopee Prison, we almost always have people come who have not yet had this experience. I love when it's someone's first time coming! This last time, I invited my friend Kim, who had not yet visited, to come and share her testimony and to pray with the women during the end of our time there. She writes about her experience below: "What a gift it was to be invited to the Shakopee Women's Correctional Facility by Consumed Ministries! Not knowing exactly what to expect, I was eager for the evening as I sensed the Holy Spirit as I prepared a short testimony to share with the women. I anticipated that when I stepped out in faith, He would meet me and minister to the women through the words He gave me to share. God indeed was faithful! - as He always is! My heart was touched as I worshipped in song along with the women; I even stopped singing for a while to let the words the women were singing so powerfully wash over my heart. God never wastes our choices or pain, and though the women have made choices that have lead to their incarceration, I observed that God is using this time to draw them to Him. Our visit was a testimony to the work He is doing and I thank God for Jackie and the staff whose calling it is to bring the Word and God's truths to the women behind prison walls. I stand in agreement that through Christ, lives can be changed that show of His mercy and grace, that ultimately give God all the glory. May the Shakopee Women's Correctional Facility continue to be a place where Jesus is experienced, worshipped, and believed so as the women are released, they call upon Him in their future times of joy and trial." "It's my first night here", she said after I asked how I could pray for her. These words would stay with me and remind me why I am passionate about getting to do this unique kind of ministry that I do.
I had the honor of returning to the Shakopee women's prison on Tuesday, along with 7 others. We were invited by a ministry inside the prison, called Prison Fellowship, to lead a worship and prayer night. We worshiped God together through song, heard a faith story and short message from some of our group volunteers, and at the end we invited any woman who wanted to be prayed for to come pray with our volunteers individually. And so I met *Mindy. "It's my first night here. I haven't even been able to call my family yet to tell them I'm ok. I knew I wanted to come to this though, my family would be proud of me." I was amazed that in her first night in the prison, feeling overwhelmed and scared, she found herself at a Christian event instead of being alone in her cell to process her first night here. I became emotional and told her I felt honored to share this moment with her. We talked for awhile before I prayed with her and I assured her it wasn't a mistake that she was here tonight and that God loved her so much and desires for her to know Jesus. And so for that we prayed. After, when Mindy told me that she'll only be there for a few months, the first word that came to my mind was "opportunity". Not many people would associate this word with someone who is in prison, but for Mindy it just kept repeating in my mind for her. I saw before me a woman who was making a decision to seek after God and it spoke to me of opportunity--that God would use the months she has inside the prison, away from the people or circumstances that helped to play a part in her being here, to lead her to discover who Jesus is and the abundant life He offers her. Prison Fellowship offers many Bible studies, classes, worship times, and mentorship opportunities for those inside, so there are many opportunities available for Mindy to learn more about Jesus, if she chooses to take that opportunity. Please join me in praying for Mindy! I am excited to share with you a recording I did with a friend of mine, David Vicchiollo. This is a cover song of "Eye Of The Storm". It was so fun to record this inside the Hennepin County Library in downtown Minneapolis! Oby made his first debut in a video, as I was pregnant with him at the time :) I love the lyrics to the chorus, as it speaks to God remaining in control, even in our most trying circumstances. Here is the mp3 recording:
Visit to Shakopee Prison Last month, I was able to return to the Shakopee Prison again to lead worship for the women inside. It was especially meaningful to lead this song, "Chain Breaker" because the person who wrote this actually does prison ministry too! On this visit, I was also reminded of God's power when we pray. Right before we were about to begin, the ministry director pulled us aside and said we were going to have to cancel the night, because they didn't have security available for us to staff the room. So we prayed. And WHILE WE WERE PRAYING together, the head guard came in the room and said he'd find a guard to staff the room so we could continue with the night! Out of the blue! The ministry director was shocked. She's always had to cancel before when this has happened. A great reminder for us all- God's heart is moved when we pray!!
THANK YOU to my friends and family for supporting my work with Consumed Ministries. I am so grateful for each and every one of you! 2016 has been a year filled with joy, change, and opportunities to see God work in many new ways. I’m excited to share with you how God has been so faithful! Mentorship with Anna: Last year, I spoke of a young lady who I have been mentoring, named Anna. This year, Anna experienced her first time leading worship at a church where we co-led together. It was a great experience to see Anna take another step in sharing her talents and passion for leading others into the presence of God. Recently, Anna has taken on a full-time worship leader position at this church! It's been an honor to be a part of seeing this young lady grow and be used by God to share the Gospel with others through music. Prison Ministry: A couple years ago, I was restricted to go into state prisons here in MN due to a conflict of interest in knowing people who have been in these prisons. I had to wait a certain amount of time to go back in and this year, through God's faithfulness, I was finally granted clearance to lead worship inside all state prisons again! Since regaining clearance, I have gotten to go to the men’s prison in Lino Lakes and the women’s prisons in Shakopee and Waseca. I am very excited and look forward to continuing to minister in these places! Newest Member to Team Dixon!: Jake and I welcomed our son Obadiah Edward Dixon (aka “Oby”) to the world in September. He is the joy of our life and makes us laugh every day! Thank you to those of you who have come alongside us in this transition. You may or may not know that I broke and displaced my tailbone during labor. It has been a difficult recovery these past few months, but I am thankful that I am continuing to heal by God’s power and am hopeful I will not need surgery. I have seen God work in incredible ways to bring us through this. God's mercy is real and my relationship with Him has taken on a whole new meaning now when I think about Oby. He cracks us up with his smile and facial expressions and keeps us on our toes with his independent personality ("I'll do it!"). We love him dearly and can't wait to see how God works in his little life.
Year-End Giving: I know many God-honoring ministries are asking for year-end donations. My ministry role with Consumed, like many of our brothers & sisters serving Christ, would benefit from year-end gifts as well. I would be grateful and honored for your consideration in this matter. I know there are so many amazing charities and ministries for you to invest in, so thank you for giving to my work with Consumed if you choose to do so. All gifts are tax-deductible. For online giving, you can donate HERE. May you experience the richness of God's blessings for you in the New Year! |
Jackie Dixon
I love Jesus. I love my husband & family. I like dark chocolate. And hats. Traveling. Slippers. Hand written notes. And thrifting. These are a few of my favorite things! Categories
April 2023